Sunday, December 9, 2007

14 Months LID,,,,,,,

Well 14 Months Down and 36 More to Go.......
I am Not A Happy Camper Today in fact I'm down right annoyed.
Don't get me wrong this is not about "Think Positive" this is about the Cold Hard Truth staring Me in the Face.
It's about Doing the Math = They are still in 2005 and only referring a week a month.
A 30.000 Backlog and a quota that has dropped down to 7000 a year.
I have to believe for the sake of whats left of my sanity that attrition will play a small factor in all this.
I know that for some people that they feel like they are being led to China by a higher calling , Or they believe that all things in God's good timing.
I respect your Beliefs and admire your devotion truly I do.
But this is not mine.
I know that surely I am not the only person out here who is just down right hurt and angry.
You know when I started this I too was all Paper pregnant red thread and lady buggy too.
But I was also led to believe that I would have been a Mom by now.
Instead as I write this I sound angry jaded and bitter.
I feel like I'm being held emotionally Hostage.
This is my one and only and last chance to be a mom.
There is No where else to go I'm just here waiting.................................
I just can't play the PC PAP Game anymore.
The wait sucks and I refuse to pretend otherwise.
And to my Dear Sweet Friend Thank You for Always letting Me be Me ........
And know the Door Always swings both Ways......
Dee (Mila's Mom)


Daniella said...

Hey Dee
I'm feeling much like this myself. The numbers are too hard not to look at. Me and dh have been having some serious conversations about this and we have to face it that sooo much can change in our lives if this goes on for another 2 or more years. I just can't seem to feel like this is really going to happen. Last Christmas I felt so differently. I remember thinking 14 months seemed like that would be forever and here we are.... Nothing to say to cheer you up - sorry about that!

Anonymous said...

I don't know what to day other than I could have written this post myself. I'm here, Mila's Mom - we will get through this.

Tasha Kent said...

i found your blog on another international adoption blogroll. I wanted to say 'hi' as I'm adopting internationally as well, but from Uzbekistan. I look forward to following your journey.