Saturday, June 9, 2007

Life Behind the 8 Ball.

We are 8 Months LID Today and Hubby and Myself have decided ?

That seems to be the big question this whole adoption thing has us so exhausted.
I have decided to stop putting my Life on hold anymore.

All the things we have put off doing and places we have not been going to are back on.

I feel like I have been emotionally held Hostage for the last 5 years.
I do remember a time when disillusioned and jaded weren't part of my daily repertoire.

I am reclaiming my life back!

And the Saga continues......................................................

xoxo Dee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you still remember a time when....Sometimes I think I've forgotten who I was before the last 5 years spent trying to become a mom. Life does march on, though - let's at least have something fun to show for all this waiting!